Update 1 | 2025
Welcome to our first update!
During the past two weeks, we got the frame for our robot put together and designed the bumpers in CAD. There has been lots of prototyping happening, and we have started to work out the design for our robot. At this point, we are planning to have an over-the-bumper intake that will pick the "coral" (~1ft sections of PVC pipe) up off the ground. Once in the robot, the "coral" will be picked up by an arm that can pivot to the side and extend in order to score the "coral." This arm will be mounted on the top of an elevator system that will allow us to get "coral" on the top of the "reef." The arm and elevator system will be able to grab "algae" off the reef and score it as well. As for climbing, we will have two hooks that will hook onto either side of the "deep cage" and pivot towards the robot. Check out our YouTube channel (FRC3160 FROG) for a more detailed video of our robot design that is coming soon.
We also have some members that are working on gameplay strategy. They are going through and testing different match outcomes in order to find the best method of scoring. Moreover, we have built all of the required field elements.
We would also like to let you know that we will be doing bi-weekly updates this year, but we will make other videos detailing various aspects of the robot and/or design process.
During the past two weeks, we got the frame for our robot put together and designed the bumpers in CAD. There has been lots of prototyping happening, and we have started to work out the design for our robot. At this point, we are planning to have an over-the-bumper intake that will pick the "coral" (~1ft sections of PVC pipe) up off the ground. Once in the robot, the "coral" will be picked up by an arm that can pivot to the side and extend in order to score the "coral." This arm will be mounted on the top of an elevator system that will allow us to get "coral" on the top of the "reef." The arm and elevator system will be able to grab "algae" off the reef and score it as well. As for climbing, we will have two hooks that will hook onto either side of the "deep cage" and pivot towards the robot. Check out our YouTube channel (FRC3160 FROG) for a more detailed video of our robot design that is coming soon.
We also have some members that are working on gameplay strategy. They are going through and testing different match outcomes in order to find the best method of scoring. Moreover, we have built all of the required field elements.
We would also like to let you know that we will be doing bi-weekly updates this year, but we will make other videos detailing various aspects of the robot and/or design process.