2024 Game Challenge Explained
In order to understand the game, there are some terms that need to be defined: -Note: An orange 14" diameter doughnut-shaped piece used for scoring -High Note: A note with three equidistant stripes used by the human player at the end of the match -Speaker: One of two "goals" at either end of the field with an almost horizontal opening that notes are shot into -Amplifier: One of two smaller "goals" at the side of the field with a vertical opening that notes are placed into -Source: One of two stations on the opposite side of the field from the amplifiers where robots can collect more notes -Stage: One of two three-legged truss systems with chains that robots climb onto suspended between the legs -Trap: One of three vertical trap doors on the stage that robots can score in after they have climbed the chain -Microphone: One of three vertical tubes placed on top of the stage that human players try to score a high note on at the end of the match The game is played by two competing alliances of three to four teams, that try to score notes in their designated speaker or amplifier and get onstage (climb the chain). Alliances may earn additional rewards for meeting specific scoring thresholds and for cooperating with the opposing alliance. In the first fifteen seconds of the match, robots run on pre-programmed autonomous routines. This means that robots will leave their starting zones, score notes in either the speaker or the amp, and get and score more notes, all without guidance from their drivers. During the rest of the match (2 minutes and 15 seconds, called teleop), the robots are controlled by their drivers. The robots get notes from human players at their designated source and then score them in their speaker or amp to get points. If an alliance gets two notes in their amp, the human player may choose to amplify their speaker. This lasts for ten seconds. Notes that are scored in an amplified speaker are worth more points. A human player may repurpose a note that is scored in the amp in cooperation with the opposing alliance. If both alliances repurpose a note by hitting the Coopertition button in the first 45 seconds of the teleop period, all teams in the match will receive a Coopertition point. This point influences their rank at the competition. Near the end of the match, robots try to get onstage and put notes in their traps. Robots on the same chain (called harmonizing) earn an additional bonus. Robots earn more points if a human player "spotlights" a robot that is on a chain by scoring a high note on the chain's corresponding microphone. Whichever alliance earns the most points wins that match. |
Week 1Welcome to our first update for the FRC 2024 Game Challenge: Crescendo!
At our Kickoff, we did a lot of brainstorming and got a pretty good idea for our robot design. The idea is to drive over the game pieces, called "notes," picking them up as we go. This will be accomplished by using rollers and a funnel system to pull the note onto a ramp. The ramp will be able to pivot up and become our shooter for the "speaker." Pivoting all the way up until it is perpendicular to the floor, the ramp will also be able to score notes in the "amp." We are not quite sure what we are going to do to climb onto the chain, but we are working on that. The CAD Team designed and 3D printed motor spacers for our swerve modules from Swerve Drive Specialties because we were not able to buy any. The Build Team worked on finding parts that we are going to need so that we do not have to buy them. In Programming they worked on setting up a repository for their code, which will keep track of all the code they put in and all the changes they make. |
Week 2Here is our update for Week 2!
This week we changed our robot design a little bit. The idea now is to have a stationary ramp that the "note" is pulled onto. The "note" will then be transferred to a secondary ramp that pivots. This ramp will be able to launch the "note" into the "speaker" or dump it into the "amp." The CAD Team finished designing the funnel pieces, designed and printed covers for the pins on the RoboRio (the robot's brain) to keep metal chips out, and refined the CAD model of our robot. The Build Team put together the frame for our robot and mostly finished putting the swerve modules together. They also put on some temporary electrical components so that the programmers can start testing their code and started putting the intake on the robot. The Programming Team started calibrating the PiCam with Photon Vision and made sure that all their computers are up-to-date. They mostly finished their code and the firmware for the swerve modules and helped the Build Team with the electrical components. |
Week 3
We hope you enjoy this update for Week 3!
This week, CAD laid out the field by referencing a CAD model of the field (refer to game challenge video above) and taping off boundaries and markers. They reprinted the motor spacers for our swerve modules because the first ones were too small, worked on putting FROG faces and our team number (3160) on the RoboRio covers, and almost completely designed a plate to put on our robot that has all of our sponsors on it. The Build Team got the intake plate (the first ramp that the "note" is pulled onto) and all of its wheels and motors put together and on the robot, built a "speaker" so that we can test our robot, and fabricated the funnel for the "notes" and put it on our robot. They had some issues with the swerve modules that they fixed and got the motors for the intake wired up. They also started on the shooter (the second ramp that the "note" is pulled onto and shot from). The Programming Team tuned the drive motors, debugged their code, and got the simulator running. Also, they finished writing their code for the autonomous routine, started writing code for the intake, and helped wire the intake. |
Week 4
Here is the update for Week 4!
The CAD Team finished designing the sponsor plate, postitioned the "amp" on the field, and started designing the guides for the intake. The Build Team got the shooter mounted on our robot and was able to test it. They took it off again so that they could make some modifications (adding another motor and wheel to spit out the "note" and putting on different gear boxes to make them spin faster). They also took some wheels off our intake because they determined that they were not needed and replaced a motor on the intake because it was too slow. Also, they built the "amp." The programmers found problems in the code for the drive motors and fixed them, ran tests with the intake, and worked on their code for the shooter. They also wired the shooter and tested it. |
Week 5
We hope you enjoy this update for Week 5!
The CAD Team worked on designing a hook for our climber. However, we decided to try and use AndyMark's Climber in a Box, so we are not sure if we will use that design. They also designed a plate to keep "notes" from being kicked up when we intake them and got some training on the mill making brackets to put that plate on. We are giving them training so that they better understand how to make CAD drawings for the Build Team. Also, they made CAD models of the bumpers, added them to the robot model, and combined the funnel and the guide pieces in the CAD model for the intake. The Build Team got the shooter back on our robot, but then had to replace one of the flywheel motors because we accidentally sheared the wires to it. They also built the "stage." The Programming Team did some rewiring for the intake, tested it, and got all their code done for the shooter and intake. They have continued to calibrate Photon Vision and have been working on vision tracking for the "notes." They also wired, tested, and tuned the lead screw motor for the shooter. We also tested shooting into the "amp" and "speaker." We can currently get "notes" in both, but still have to fine-tune some things. |
Week 6Here is our update for Week 6!
The Cad Team finished building the Climber in a Box from AndyMark, machined brackets to hold the plate that keeps "notes" from being kicked up when we intake, and started designing a holder and cover for the robot battery that will go on top of that plate. They also designed and 3D printed two things: Stencils to put our team number (3160) on our bumper and a case to hold an infrared proximity sensor (a sensor that uses infrared to sense how close an object is). The Build Team switched out the green, compliant flywheels (ones that are easily squished, hence the term "compliant") for stealth flywheels (ones that have a large plastic center and are not so easily squished). They removed all of the electrical components and the temporary plates that they were mounted to and machined new, permanent electrical plates. Some students started to put our bumpers together and others practiced throwing the "high note" onto the "microphone." The Programming Team fixed a problem that the robot had (going the opposite way than it was supposed to), found the problem with some motor controllers that kept burning out, and soldered DIO (Digital Input/Output) wires for the infrared proximity sensors. Later, they tested shooting "notes" with the new flywheels and also tested autonomous, helped Build with removing the electrical components, and started figuring out what data we want to collect at our upcoming competitions. |
Week 7We hope you enjoy this update for Week 7!
The CAD Team designed and printed new bumper stencils for the numbers on our bumpers because last year our numbers did not pass inspection the first time. They then decided to go ahead and make stencils for all the numbers so that we can help other teams put their numbers on their bumpers if they need it at competition. They also modified the case for the infrared proximity sensors, fixed a problem with the battery holder in the CAD design, and designed and machined small metal pieces to hold velcro over the battery to keep it in. Also, they designed a signal light holder and helped Build. The Build Team disassembled the whole robot so that we could put on permanent electrical panels and powder coat everything (a way of painting metal that is tough and will not just rub off). Then they put it all back together. The Programming Team started working on the network table (a table that relays various info and values to the drivers during a match), made two diagrams: One for the layout of the electrical components for communications and the other for the layout of the power, and formatted all of their code using an extension called Black. They also finished new code for the intake, wired the CANbus and PDH (Power Distribution Hub), tuned the motors after everything was rewired, and helped Build. |
Week 8Here is our update for Week 8!
The CAD Team designed and 3D printed covers for the spools on our climbing arm, compiled everything for the 3D model of our robot so that a poster can be made, and designed mounts for the infrared proximity sensors. The Build Team put our signature swirly pattern on the climbing arms, replaced the NEO motor that we were using for our intake with a more powerful NEO motor, and made the deflector (a piece that will deflect "notes" into the "amp" when we shoot them). The Programming Team mounted and tested the proximity sensors. They also worked on an app for scouting at competition, reviewed their code for the intake, and worked on the climbing code. There were also several problems that they fixed, such as the robot not responding to the remote control the way it was supposed to and the Limelight not tracking "notes." Besides that, they finished the network tables, tested the transfer of a "note" from the intake plate to the shooter, and made custom ether-net cables for the robot. Also, the drivers have been getting in some practice and the whole team has started preparing for our first competition, which is March 7-9. |
Green Country Regional Recap
Here is our recap for Green Country Regional!
We all generally enjoyed our competition, but as far as the robot goes, there is room for improvement. In the end we had 10 losses, 4 wins, and 1 tie (including practice matches). In our second practice match, our shooter on the robot moved up to aim at the "speaker" just as the robot went under the stage. The resulting collision between the bottom of the stage and the shooter caused our lead screw to bend and the bolts holding the uprights for the shooter to shear. We missed our next practice match because of that and were not able to move the shooter mechanically until the next day when we got a replacement lead screw. During our sixth qualification match, the robot stopped working mid-match. We later found out that the wire that was providing power for the RoboRio (the brain of the robot) was loose. Several times during the competition, when we were on the red alliance side, the controls for the drivers got inverted causing the robot to move in the opposite direction that the drivers were telling it because the robot thought that it was on the blue alliance side. In our last qualification match, a note got stuck between the intake plate and the shooter and the drivers had to get it out. For alliance selection, we were ranked 24th and were second pic for the 3rd seated alliance. Unfortunately we lost both of our playoff matches and were promptly eliminated. However, we are fixing a lot of these problems and improving our design before our Oklahoma Regional and have high hopes. |